
New Beginnings Crystal Healing Grid

Spring has sprung and we have stepped over the threshold of the spring equinox.
We find ourselves in this beautiful time of renewal, rebirth, and growth.
Many of us love this time in which everything is in active “creation”.
We have come full circle and back at the beginning.
We are creating a New Beginning of our own making!Why Now?
New Moons are a great time to set intentions for things you’d like to create, develop, cultivate, and make manifest.
When the Moon is new, the sun and moon are aligned in the same sign, and a powerful energy portal is opened.
Today’s new moon is in the astrological sign of Aries. This new moon is a powerful time, launching us into an opportunity
to step up and step out of the box of “usual business”. This is the time of the great, “I Am.”
This moment of now propels us into a realm of higher mind, higher heart, and higher consciousness.How can We Connect with our New Beginning?

There are many ways to initiate this communion with the Universe.
The answer comes from your inner heart when you are in a space of stillness.
There is no right or wrong way. What matters is that you’re committing yourself to your vision,
and open to receiving guidance, healing, support from Spirit.
Knowing exactly what you want to draw into your life is not always easy.
Part of preparing for the new moon is making sure you are clear about your intentions.
It’s a good idea to spend some time in stillness reflecting in the days leading up to the new moon.TIP:
You may wish to get a notebook or journal.
Jot down ideas, thoughts, inspirations, draw, or anyway you choose to express what you “receive”.The New Moon is in Aries – the fiery feisty planet which calls us to take action. This Crystal Grid has been programmed to aid and assist you with getting started. It is time to make those dreams reality and set the stage for the year to come.
So without further ado I offer this New Beginnings Crystal Grid infused with Reiki and set it in a growth pattern.
New Beginnings Crystal Grid Wendy Bee Spring has sprung and we have stepped over the threshold of the spring equinox. We find ourselves in this beautiful time of renewal, rebirth, and growth. Many of us love this time in which everything is in active “creation”. We have come full circle and back at the beginning. We are creating a New Beginning of our own making!
Clear quartz spheres anchors the center of the grid and directs energy in all directions. The points placed throughout the grid directs and amplifies the energies of the other crystals in the grid. Clear quartz is piezoelectric, which means it can transform pressured energy into electromagnetic energies and vice versa. It is a programmable, an amplifier of energies, and a crystalline “memory chip” of sorts. It is the multi-task crystal in my tool box.
Red Jasper is the Energy stone and is related to the root chakra and “kundalini” energy. It enhances endurance and stamina.
It strengthens the root chakra and the connection to the Earth. Working with red jasper will help ground the energies we
wish to anchor and manifest. It grounds us for stability in our daily lives.
Bloodstone has a combination within it of clear quartz and red jasper. It is the perfect healing tool and purifier of negative energies.
Bloodstone also strengthens a sluggish root chakra.  furthermore, it imparts an invigorating and steady vibration of health and well-being.
The Hematite spheres were added into the grid for grounding, to counteract spaciness, to balance the Auric field and align the chakras.
The hematite magnets ground energies and bring Light energies into the Earth. They also prevent the symptoms energetic overload.
Black Tourmaline or Schorl clears Auric imbalances. They are vacuum cleaner of sorts, in that they clear out energies which are not our own.
It is an excellent purifier because it helps one detoxify at all levels.
I have chosen these crystals for this grid because they combine well in this time of new beginnings and anchoring what we wish to create here on Earth. Each of these crystals add their “expertise” to the Wholistic Intention of Creating something New for Our greatest Good.By working with these crystals we anchor the “I Am” within ourselves. We keep our Auric field clean, grounded, supported and strengthened.
We have our Root chakra strengthened and supported allowing us to manifest our creations.
So here’s to Creating our New Beginnings!With Love and Support,
Wendy Bee.


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